Social Networks Charter

Charter of good conduct and moderation of the Facebook page "Marseille-Cassis

The "Marseille-Cassis" Facebook Page aims to develop a friendly Internet community around the race and its news, and to give this community the opportunity to meet within a public space for the exchange of opinions, ideas or knowledge.

The present Charter of Good Conduct and Moderation of the "Marseille-Cassis" Facebook Page has been drawn up in order to specify to its users the conditions for a peaceful and friendly use of the exchange spaces of this Facebook Page.

By "liking" and "following" the "Marseille-Cassis" Facebook Page, the user fully accepts the present Terms of Use without any reservation, and undertakes to respect them each time he/she visits the Page.

Moderation rules
Comments posted on the "Marseille-Cassis" Page may be read by all users of the Facebook Page. Facebook's automatic moderation is applied before any publication. This feature removes messages that the platform considers to be spam. In addition, the insult filter is activated. A list of the most violent insults is saved and if one or more of the words is written, the filter prevents the publication a priori.

Comments that are published and visible will be moderated after the fact. If the moderator considers that the comment does not comply with the rules of good conduct in force on the Internet and with French law, he or she reserves the right to delete it without notice.

The moderator will delete posts that he or she deems to be off-topic, defamatory, insulting, or that violently and unjustifiably attack other members of our Facebook community. The moderator may remove the right to comment (ban) from Facebook members who continue to post such messages after an initial removal.

Rules of good conduct for users
Comments are free as long as they follow basic rules of etiquette.

In order to preserve dialogue and respect for people, the moderator may delete without prior warning any comments that fall under the law, but also delete all comments or posts that are :

Contrary to public order or morality,
Racist or anti-Semitic,
A denial of crimes against humanity,
An apology for war crimes,
Abusive or rude (note that the insult filter is activated),
Obscene, pornographic or harassing,
A personal attack on members of our community,
An invasion of privacy,
Incitement to hacking,
Use for commercial purposes,
Each user can at any time, if a contribution infringes his or her rights, report it to the Facebook company, according to the reporting procedure that it has set up.

In addition, the administrators of the page reserve the right to report illegal behaviour to the legal authorities.

Limits of liability
The user of the Facebook page "Marseille-Cassis" is solely responsible for the user content (texts, images, opinions, files, etc.) that he/she puts online on the page.

The user undertakes to ensure that the content he/she publishes is not such as to infringe the legitimate interests of any third party. The information made available on the page is for information purposes only. Consequently, the use of the information and content available on the page does not in any way engage the responsibility of the "Marseille-Cassis" administrator.

It is the user's responsibility to take all necessary measures to protect his/her own data in order to access the "Marseille-Cassis" page. The administrators of the "Marseille-Cassis" Facebook page reserve the right to modify the terms, conditions and mentions of this charter at any time without prior notice. 

Charter of our Social Networks The "Marseille-Cassis" Facebook page

Please feel free to react and share the content that is published. The tweets and comments posted can be read by the whole community. Good manners and politeness are therefore required.
The Facebook page "Marseille-Cassis", the Instagram page @marscassis and the Twitter account @marscassis are spaces open to all. They aim to inform Internet users about the "Marseille-Cassis" Race and to encourage public debate.CHARTER OF MODERATION AND COMMITMENT RELATING TO THE "MARSEILLE-CASSIS" RACE ON THE SOCIAL NETWORKS.


  • Objectives of the pages

The "Marseille-Cassis" Facebook/Instagram pages are open to everyone. Their purpose is to inform Internet users about the "Marseille-Cassis" Race and to give this community the opportunity to meet in a public space for exchanging opinions, ideas and knowledge.

Failure to comply with the rules of good practice and the legal provisions mentioned below may result in the moderation of publications.

Your publications are visible on the page as soon as you have written and validated them. They are only moderated afterwards.

The administrator, who is responsible for the management of these pages, reserves the right to delete all publications that are contrary to public order, morality, copyright or related rights, the law applicable to databases, trademark law, the right to privacy or any publication that violates any other legislative or regulatory provision in force. The same applies to publications of a violent, racist, insulting or rude nature, or which glorify war crimes.

Messages of an advertising nature, classified ads or messages containing telephone or postal contact information will be systematically deleted.

Internet users who do not respect these rules may be excluded from the "Marseille-Cassis" pages.

  • Comments

Comments must be written in a language that everyone can understand. In order to ensure that the debate generated by the publications is rich, Internet users are invited to debate using arguments and not invective. Similarly, they are invited to react to publications with comments on the initial subject. The "Marseille-Cassis" administrator reserves the right to delete any comment not related to the topic.

  • Publications

Users are free to post their publications on the wall of the "Marseille-Cassis" page in order to provide information or stimulate debate on the page. Users must respect the rules of good practice mentioned above. The repetition of identical or very similar publications is forbidden. The administrator of the "Marseille-Cassis" page reserves the right to delete these publications if necessary.


  • Objectives of the account

The @marscassis account aims to disseminate information and news related to the Marseille-Cassis race, which takes place every year on the last weekend of October. It also aims to provide a space for exchange and interaction with its subscribers and Twitter users.

  • Objectives of the charter 

The present Charter of use was elaborated in order to specify to the subscribers of the @marscassis account and to the users of Twitter the conditions of peaceful and relevant consultation and interaction of this account. By consulting, subscribing and interacting with the @marscassis account, the Twitter user accepts without reservation the present charter of use, and undertakes, during each of his visits to the news feed of the account, to respect it.

  • Access to the @marscassis account

Access to the @marscassis account is free. To access it, the user must first register on the Twitter site, in accordance with the conditions defined by Twitter for its operation.

  • Deletion of contributions and unsubscription 

The user can delete his own contributions at any time, according to the functionalities of the Twitter website. At any time, the user subscribed to the @marscassis account can unsubscribe from the account by clicking on the "unsubscribe" button at the top right of the screen.

  • Rights and duties of users and subscribers 

By interacting with the @marscassis account, users agree that the content of their contributions respects the laws and regulations in force, is not contrary to public order or morality, and does not infringe on the rights of individuals.

As such, these will not be processed and will be deleted without this list being restrictive:

Contributions of a violent, defamatory, insulting, illegal or obscene nature.
Contributions that incite violence or the commission of an offence.
Contributions inciting discrimination or hatred.
Contributions formulated in an abusive, rude, vulgar manner or likely to offend the sensibilities of minors.
Contributions that infringe on the right to one's image or the right to privacy.
Contributions that violate the protection of personal data of a third party.

Interactions may take place with users whose contributions:

Respect the courtesy necessary for the proper conduct of exchanges.
Use correct and understandable language.
Are not repetitive in nature.

Retweets of the @marscassis account must be reported as such. Falsified or partial retweets that make the @marscassis account endorse an opinion or statement that is false, erroneous or not previously expressed on the account's news feed are prohibited.

  • Replies and moderation

The information and exchange space constituted by the @marscassis account is moderated a posteriori with the aim of a peaceful use of the account and to allow constructive exchanges with the users of the account.

By interacting with the @marscassis account, users acknowledge the possibility for the moderator of this account to block users whose contributions do not comply with the provisions of the paragraph "Rights and duties of users and subscribers", particularly in the case of repetitive contributions and after informing the user of this moderation charter.

Requests made on the @marscassis account are studied and answered. The requests must respect the prescriptions of the paragraph "Rights and duties of the users and subscribers" of the present charter.

  • Legal cases 

You are informed that all laws and regulations in force are applicable on the Internet. As such, when you use the @marscassis Twitter account, it is your responsibility to respect all of the following applicable regulations (the list is not exhaustive):

The rules on copyright (law of March 11, 1957 and the law of July 3, 1985, codified in the code of intellectual property).
Rules of public order, such as, for example, the regulations concerning pornographic content (article 227-24 of the Penal Code), racist content (Law of July 1, 1972, article 416 of the Penal Code and the Law of January 10, 1936) or illegal content that could harm the integrity or sensitivity of another Internet user or the image of the City of Vénissieux through provocative messages, texts or images.
The rules relating to the respect of the private life of persons (articles R 226-1 and following of the penal code, article 9 of the civil code), Internet users connected to the page of the City of Vénissieux. As such, you agree to refrain from disseminating within the interactive services offered to you messages of an abusive, insulting, denigrating or degrading nature.
The regulation in terms of press law (law 1881). In this respect, you must refrain from defaming or insulting anyone, whether a connected Internet user or a third party.
The regulations in force concerning computer fraud (law of January 5, 1988). As such, you must refrain from attempting to intrude into an automated data processing system or to alter, in whole or in part, the elements it contains. You are informed that such acts are punishable by law.

  • Evolution of the @marscassis account

The terms of access and use of the @marscassis account are governed by the company Twitter, which may change, but this does not prevent the application of this charter.

Marseille-Cassis" Social Networking Charter


The "Marseille-Cassis" Facebook page, the Instagram page @marscassis and the Twitter account @marscassis are open to all. They aim to inform Internet users about the "Marseille-Cassis" Race and to encourage public debate. 
So don't hesitate to react and share the content that is published there. The tweets and comments posted can be read by the whole community. Good manners and politeness are therefore required.


  • Objectives of the pages

The "Marseille-Cassis" Facebook/Instagram pages are open to everyone. Their purpose is to inform Internet users about the "Marseille-Cassis" Race and to give this community the opportunity to meet in a public space for exchanging opinions, ideas and knowledge.

Failure to comply with the rules of good practice and the legal provisions mentioned below may result in the moderation of publications.

Your publications are visible on the page as soon as you have written and validated them. They are only moderated afterwards.

The administrator, who is responsible for the management of these pages, reserves the right to delete all publications that are contrary to public order, morality, copyright or related rights, the law applicable to databases, trademark law, the right to privacy or any publication that violates any other legislative or regulatory provision in force. The same applies to publications of a violent, racist, insulting or rude nature, or which glorify war crimes.

Messages of an advertising nature, classified ads or messages containing telephone or postal contact information will be systematically deleted.

Internet users who do not respect these rules may be excluded from the "Marseille-Cassis" pages.

  • Comments

Comments must be written in a language that everyone can understand. In order to ensure that the debate generated by the publications is rich, Internet users are invited to debate using arguments and not invective. Similarly, they are invited to react to publications with comments on the initial subject. The "Marseille-Cassis" administrator reserves the right to delete any comment not related to the topic.

  • Publications

Users are free to post their publications on the wall of the "Marseille-Cassis" page in order to provide information or stimulate debate on the page. Users must respect the rules of good practice mentioned above. The repetition of identical or very similar publications is forbidden. The administrator of the "Marseille-Cassis" page reserves the right to delete these publications if necessary.


  • Objectives of the account

The @marscassis account aims to disseminate information and news related to the Marseille-Cassis race, which takes place every year on the last weekend of October. It also aims to provide a space for exchange and interaction with its subscribers and Twitter users.

  • Objectives of the charter 

The present Charter of use was elaborated in order to specify to the subscribers of the @marscassis account and to the users of Twitter the conditions of peaceful and relevant consultation and interaction of this account. By consulting, subscribing and interacting with the @marscassis account, the Twitter user accepts without reservation the present charter of use, and undertakes, during each of his visits to the news feed of the account, to respect it.

  • Access to the @marscassis account

Access to the @marscassis account is free. To access it, the user must first register on the Twitter site, in accordance with the conditions defined by Twitter for its operation.

  • Deletion of contributions and unsubscription 

The user can delete his own contributions at any time, according to the functionalities of the Twitter website. At any time, the user subscribed to the @marscassis account can unsubscribe from the account by clicking on the "unsubscribe" button at the top right of the screen.

  • Rights and duties of users and subscribers 

By interacting with the @marscassis account, users agree that the content of their contributions respects the laws and regulations in force, is not contrary to public order or morality, and does not infringe on the rights of individuals.

* Contributions that are violent, defamatory, abusive, illegal or obscene.
* Contributions that incite violence or the commission of a crime.
* Contributions that incite discrimination or hatred.
* Contributions that are abusive, rude, vulgar or likely to offend minors.
* Contributions that violate the right to image or the right to privacy.
* Contributions that violate the protection of personal data of a third party.

  • Interactions may take place with users whose Contributions:

Respect the courtesy necessary for the proper conduct of exchanges.
Use correct and understandable language.
Are not repetitive in nature.

Retweets of the @marscassis account should be flagged as such. Falsified or partial retweets that make the @marscassis account endorse an opinion or statement that is false, erroneous or not previously expressed on the account's news feed are prohibited.

  • Replies and moderation

The information and exchange space constituted by the @marscassis account is moderated a posteriori in order to ensure a peaceful use of the account and to allow constructive exchanges with the users of the account.

By interacting with the @marscassis account, users acknowledge the possibility for the moderator of this account to block users whose contributions do not comply with the provisions of the paragraph "Rights and duties of users and subscribers", particularly in the case of repetitive contributions and after having informed the user of this moderation charter.

Requests made on the @marscassis account are studied and answered. The requests must respect the prescriptions of the paragraph "Rights and duties of the users and subscribers" of the present charter.

  • Legal cases 

You are informed that all laws and regulations in force are applicable on the Internet. As such, when you use the @marscassis Twitter account, it is your responsibility to respect all of the following applicable regulations (the list is not exhaustive):

The rules relating to copyright (law of March 11, 1957 and law of July 3, 1985, codified in the code of intellectual property).
The rules of public order, such as for example the regulation of pornographic contents (article 227-24 of the penal code), racist (law of July 1st, 1972, article 416 of the penal code and law of January 10th, 1936) or illicit which would be likely to attack the integrity or the sensitivity of another Internet user or the image of @marscassis by the means of provocative messages, texts or images.
The rules relating to the respect of the private life of persons (articles R 226-1 and following of the penal code, article 9 of the civil code), of the Internet users connected to the Marseille-Cassis page. In this respect, you are prohibited from using the interactive services offered by Marseille-Cassis to disseminate messages of an abusive, insulting, denigrating or degrading nature.
The regulations concerning press law (law 1881). In this respect, you must refrain from defaming or insulting anyone, whether a connected Internet user or a third party.
The regulations in force concerning computer fraud (law of January 5, 1988). As such, you must refrain from any attempt to intrude into an automated data processing system or to alter, in whole or in part, the elements it contains. You are informed that such acts are punishable by law.

  • Evolution of the @marscassis account

The conditions of access and use of the @marscassis account are governed by the company Twitter, which may evolve, which does not prevent the application of this charter.

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